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How Long Does it Take to Get NYSC Exemption Letter

How to apply and print nysc exemption letter
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For many Nigerian graduates, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is a rite of passage, a transformative journey that involves serving the nation for a mandatory period. However, some individuals find themselves exempted from this service, and one common question arises: How long does it take to get the NYSC exemption letter?

If you find yourself in the category of individuals exempted from the NYSC service, you will be awarded an exemption letter. While your peers receive their call-up letters and prepare for the camp orientation, your exemption process follows a different path.

When others are eagerly checking their NYSC dashboard for the call-up letter, your journey begins with logging in to your NYSC dashboard portal. This is where you can check if your exemption letter is ready for download. If it’s not available online, don’t fret; the next step awaits.

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If your exemption letter is not available on the NYSC portal, the next course of action is to return to your alma mater. Your school is the custodian of your academic records, and in this case, your certificate of exemption. Your exemption letter will be processed by the NYSC authorities and sent to your school for collection.

How Long Does it Take to Get the NYSC Exemption Letter?

In most cases, you can expect your exemption letter to be ready within two weeks from the commencement of your colleagues’ NYSC camp orientation. While they go for their three weeks camp experiences, the exemption process is underway to provide you with the necessary documentation.

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