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What Happens If I Miss NYSC CDS?

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Community Development Service (CDS) is one of the four cardinal programs of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in which Corps Members contribute positively to the development of their host communities throughout the period of National service.

CDS is a compulsory program for all NYSC corps members and it takes place once a week, usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays, depending on the state.

CDS is a way of exposing corps members to diverse traditions and customs of the host communities, providing a forum for them to experiment with ideas and translate them into concrete achievements, developing the spirit of entrepreneurship, exploring the challenges of rural development, and complementing the activities of government at all levels in the stride towards national development.

Types of NYSC CDS Groups

There are different types of CDS groups that corps members can join based on their interests, skills and qualifications. Some of the popular CDS groups are:

  • Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG): They sensitise the public on fundamental human rights and provide free legal services to the less privileged.
  • Sports Group: They participate in sports competitions and also identify and train talented members of the community.
  • Culture and Tourism Group: They entertain, identify talents, and also promote arts and culture.
  • Education Development Group: They promote mass literacy, adult education, career guidance and counselling for students, extra mural lessons, etc.
  • Environmental Protection and Sanitation Group: They promote and sustain healthy environment through tree planting, drainage and erosion control, landscaping, etc.
  • Editorial/Publicity Group: They disseminate information through various media platforms.
  • Road Safety Group: They assist in traffic control, first aid to accident victims, and public safety on the roads.
  • Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS Group: They mobilise and sensitise people on HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health issues.
  • Anti-Corruption Group: They educate and enlighten people on the dangers of corruption and how to fight it.
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Consequences of Missing NYSC CDS

As a corps member, you are expected to attend your CDS meetings regularly and participate actively in your group’s projects and programs.

However, there may be situations where you may miss your CDS due to some reasons such as illness, emergency, official duty, travel, etc. In such cases, what happens if you miss your NYSC CDS?

The answer is not straightforward as it depends on several factors such as:

  • The frequency of your absence: If you miss your CDS once in a while due to genuine reasons, you may not face any serious consequences. However, if you miss your CDS repeatedly or habitually without valid excuses, you may be penalised by your Local Government Inspector (LGI) or your State Coordinator (SC).
  • The nature of your absence: If you miss your CDS because you are sick or have an emergency, you may be excused if you provide a medical report or evidence of your situation. However, if you miss your CDS because you are travelling for personal reasons or engaging in other activities that are not related to your service year, you may be queried or sanctioned by your LGI or SC.
  • The communication of your absence: If you miss your CDS, you should inform your CDS President or Secretary or LGI as soon as possible and explain why you are absent. You should also apologise for your absence and promise not to repeat it. This may help you avoid any misunderstanding or misinterpretation of your absence. However, if you miss your CDS without informing anyone or giving any reason, you may be seen as unserious or disrespectful and face disciplinary actions from your LGI or SC.
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Punishment for missing NYSC CDS

The possible consequences of missing your NYSC CDS are:

  • Warning letter: This is a mild form of punishment that may be given to you if you miss your CDS once or twice without a valid reason. A warning letter is a written notice that warns you of your misconduct and advises you to improve your attendance and participation in your CDS group. A warning letter may also affect your monthly clearance if it is not resolved within the stipulated time.
  • Extension of service: This is a severe form of punishment that may be given to you if you miss your CDS several times without a valid reason or fail to comply with the warning letter. An extension of service means that you will have to serve for an extra period of time beyond the normal duration of one year. The length of the extension depends on the gravity of your offence and the discretion of your LGI or SC. An extension of service may also affect your certificate collection if it is not completed before the passing out parade (POP).
  • Withholding allowance: This is another severe form of punishment that may be given to you if you miss your CDS repeatedly without a valid reason or fail to comply with the warning letter or extension of service. Withholding allowance means that you will not receive your monthly allowance until you rectify your offence and fulfil your obligations. This may cause you financial hardship and inconvenience during your service year.
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To avoid missing your NYSC CDS and facing any of these consequences, you should:

  • Take your CDS seriously and attend your meetings regularly and punctually.
  • Choose a CDS group that suits your interest, skill and qualification and participate actively in its projects and programs.
  • Inform your CDS President or Secretary or LGI in advance if you have a valid reason to miss your CDS and provide evidence if required.
  • Apologise for your absence and make up for it by contributing more to your CDS group.
  • Respect the rules and regulations of your CDS group and the NYSC scheme.

By doing these, you will not only avoid any trouble with your LGI or SC, but also enjoy the benefits of CDS such as:

  • Developing new skills and knowledge that can enhance your career prospects.
  • Making new friends and networking with people from different backgrounds and professions.
  • Giving back to the society and making a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • Having fun and creating memorable experiences during your service year.

CDS is an important part of the NYSC scheme that can help you grow personally and professionally. Don’t miss it!

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