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How to Reply NYSC Query Letter

However, the scheme has faced various challenges over the years, which have called for the need to reform and enhance the NYSC experience. In this blog post, we will explore ways to improve the NYSC scheme in Nigeria.
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If you are a Corps member in Nigeria, you may have to deal with a query letter from the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) at some point.

A query letter is a formal document that asks you to explain why you violated the NYSC bye law, which is the set of rules that governs the scheme.

A query letter can be issued by your Local Government Inspector (LGI), Zonal Inspector, State Coordinator, or even the NYSC headquarters, depending on the severity of your offence. Some of the common offences that can attract a query letter are:

  • Insubordination
  • Lateness to work
  • Negligence of duty
  • Absenteeism
  • Misconduct
  • Unauthorized travel
  • Failure to report for clearance
  • Disobedience of NYSC dress code

A query letter is not a disengagement letter, meaning that it does not automatically terminate your service.

However, it can lead to disciplinary actions such as extension of service, withholding of allowance, or even prosecution. Therefore, it is important to reply to a query letter promptly and appropriately.

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How to reply to a query letter

The purpose of replying to a query letter is to explain your side of the story and to show remorse for your actions. You should also state the steps you have taken or will take to avoid repeating the same mistake in the future.

Here are some tips on how to reply to a query letter:

  • Use a formal and polite tone. Address the person who issued the query letter by their official title and name. For example, “Dear Sir/Madam,” or “Dear LGI,”
  • Acknowledge receipt of the query letter and state the date you received it. For example, “I acknowledge receipt of your query letter dated 20th January 2024,”
  • Apologize for your offence and admit your fault. Do not try to justify or blame others for your actions. For example, “I sincerely apologize for my lateness to work on 15th January 2024. It was due to my negligence and poor time management,”
  • Explain the circumstances that led to your offence and how you have rectified them. For example, “I was late because I missed my bus and had to wait for another one. I have since bought a bicycle to ensure that I get to work on time,”
  • Assure the person that you will not repeat the offence and that you are committed to serving diligently. For example, “I promise that I will not be late again and that I will abide by the NYSC bye law. I appreciate the opportunity to serve my country and learn new skills,”
  • End with a courteous closing remark and sign your name and NYSC number. For example, “Thank you for your understanding and guidance. Yours faithfully, John Doe (NYSC/ABJ/2024/123456)”
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Sample reply to a query letter

Below is a sample reply to a query letter from an LGI:

Dear LGI,

I acknowledge receipt of your query letter dated 20th January 2024, asking me to explain why I was absent from work on 18th January 2024 without permission.

I sincerely apologize for my absence from work on that day. It was due to an emergency situation that required my urgent attention.

On 18th January 2024, I received a phone call from my sister informing me that my father had been involved in a serious accident and was rushed to the hospital. I immediately left my place of primary assignment (PPA) and went to see him at the hospital. I did not have time to inform my supervisor or seek permission from you.

I stayed with my father at the hospital until he was stabilized and discharged on 19th January 2024. I returned to work on 20th January 2024 and explained the situation to my supervisor, who accepted my apology.

I promise that I will not be absent from work again without permission and that I will abide by the NYSC bye law. I appreciate the opportunity to serve my country and learn new skills.

Thank you for your understanding and guidance.

Yours faithfully,

John Doe


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