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Why Your Name is Not on NYSC Senate List and What to Do

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Are you a recent graduate ready to go for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), but you found out that your name is mysteriously missing from the NYSC Senate List?

Don’t panic, as this post will shed light on why this might be happening and provide you with the necessary steps to get your name added to the list, ensuring that you can complete your NYSC registration.

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What is the NYSC Senate List? 

The NYSC Senate List is a compilation of names of eligible graduates who have been approved by their respective institutions to participate in the National Youth Service Corps program. It serves as official documentation, indicating that you have met all the necessary requirements for mobilization and are eligible for deployment.

Reasons Why Your Name is Not Yet on the NYSC Senate List

  1. School Clearance: One common reason for your name’s absence on the NYSC Senate List is the failure to complete your school clearance. Ensure you’ve fulfilled all necessary academic requirements and clearances at your institution.
  2. JAMB Matriculation List: Confirm whether your name is on the JAMB Matriculation List for NYSC mobilization. Not being on this list can result in your name being excluded from the Senate List. Make sure your status is verified on this crucial list.
  3. JAMB Regularization: If you’ve undergone JAMB regularization to rectify any issues with your admission, you should receive notification from JAMB regarding your status. Failure to receive this notification may impact your NYSC registration.
  4. School Mobilization: Contact your school’s NYSC mobilization unit to ensure you’ve paid the required fees, submitted essential documents (e.g., Admission Letter, JAMB Original Result), and filled out the NYSC Mobilization form at your institution.
  5. Submission of Hard Copies: Your school should submit hard copies of your credentials to NYSC for upload on the NYSC portal. This step is vital to verify your eligibility for NYSC mobilization.
  6. Uncertainties or Unverified Documents: If there are discrepancies or unverified documents submitted to NYSC, it can lead to delays. This often includes verifying the accuracy of your age and scrutinizing your submitted documents.
  7. Excess Graduates: If your institution has submitted more graduates than the stipulated number to NYSC, it can delay the inclusion of your name on the Senate List.
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What to Do to Make Your Name to Appear Faster on the NYSC Senate List

  1. Check JAMB Matriculation List: Ensure your name is on the JAMB Matriculation List for NYSC mobilization.
  2. Visit Your School: Visit your school’s NYSC mobilization unit and confirm whether your name has been posted on the school notice board.
  3. Check NYSC Senate List: Verify your name on the NYSC Senate List.

If you’ve followed these steps and still cannot find your name on the NYSC Senate List, reach out to your school for clarification. They can provide insights into the status of your mobilization and any potential issues that need to be resolved. Don’t panic; there are usually solutions to these problems, and with the right guidance, you can get your NYSC journey back on track.

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How to Check NYSC Senate List

Follow the five simple steps below to check whether your name has been uploaded to the NYSC Senate approved list:

  1. Visit NYSC Senate / Academic Board list portal via
  2. Select your Institution.
  3. Supply your Matriculation Number and Surname in the required columns.
  4. Select your date of birth.
  5. Finally, click the ‘SEARCH’ button to access your mobilization status.

Your status will be clearly indicated. If you see “Congratulations, you can register,” you’re good to go. However, if it says, “You cannot be registered. Your school has not fulfilled the hard copy document submission,” it’s time to communicate with your institution and take necessary action to rectify the issue.

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In conclusion, while not finding your name on the NYSC Senate List can be worrisome, it’s essential to remain calm and follow the appropriate steps to resolve the issue. NYSC is a critical phase for personal and professional development, and with determination and the right guidance, you can overcome any obstacles that come your way on the path to your national service. Good luck!

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  1. Togbe Mary

    November 17, 2023 at 23:56

    I have fill the mobilization form last year Nov and I have collected my Bsc certificate but till now my name is not in the Senate list, please help me out, my matric no is Eksu/LA/So13/0459. I did sandwich program.

    • eminialex

      November 19, 2023 at 08:52

      You should visit your school student affairs and make a report, also ask what’s causing the delay, maybe you need to refill the form.

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